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The 2002-2003 Beckman Scholars: Erin Oakman, PhD

Faculty Mentor: Professor Andy D. Ellington
Length of term: Summer 02, Fall 02, Spring 03, Summer 03.
Honors & Awards:University Honors (Fall 99, Spring 00, Fall 01, Fall 02),Dorothy B. Banks Charitable Trust Scholarship (2001)
Publications:Zimmermann, J.; Oakman, E.L.; Thorpe, I.F.; Shi, X.; Abbyad, P.; Brooks, C.L. 3rd; Boxer, S.G.; Romesberg, F.E. (2006) Antibody evolution constrains conformational heterogeneity by tailoring protein dynamics. PNAS 103, 13722-13727. Kantrowitz, J.T.; Oakman, E.; Bickel, S,; Citrome, L.; Spielman, A.; Silipo, G.; Battaglia, J.; Javitt, D.C. Schizophrenia Research, 120 (1-3), 225-6, (2010).
Where is she now? Graduated with Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, May 2003, and a Bachelor of Arts, Plan II Honors with Honors, August 2003. Erin finished her MA at the Scripps Research Institute, received her PhD from the NYU School of Medicine in 2014.
How can I contact her? Erin.Oakman at

Beckman research project in the Ellington group:

Electronic nanostructures

Erin's honors thesis was on Anti-fullerene SCfV Antibodies


Created and maintained by Ruth Shear. Comments to author at
Created Wed Aug 7th 2002. Last modified Sat, Jun 4, 2016.