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The 2005-2006 Beckman Scholars: Jonathan D. Rice, MD
Faculty Mentor: Professor C. Grant Willson
Length of term: Summer 04, Fall 04, Spring 05, Summer 05
Honors & Awards: University Honors (Spring 04, Fall 04, Fall 05, Spring 06); Undergraduate Research Fellowship (2005)
Publications: Boydston, A. J.; Rice, J. D.; Sanderson, M. D.; Bielawski, C. W. "Mild and Efficient Syntheses of Main-Chain Organometallic Polymers Containing Bis(bidentate) Benzobis(imidazolylidene)s and a Related Bis(benzimidazolylidene)Ni(II) Complex" Organometallics 2006, in press.; Boydston, A. J.; Rice, J. D.; Sanderson, M. D.; Dykno, O. L.; Bielawski, C. W. "Synthesis and Study of Bidentate-Benzimidazolylidene-Group 10 Metal Complexes and Related Main-Chain Organometallic Polymers" Organometallics 2006, 25, 6087.
Where is he now?Graduated with Bachelor of Science in Chemistry with Honors, May 2007. Jonathan completed his MD at UT Galveston and is currently a research fellow in the Dept of Surgery, at U Louisville.
How can I contact him?ricejd2 at gmail.com
Beckman research project in the Willson Group:
Polyolefin destabilization: New approaches to tertiary recycling
Download a copy of Jonathan's Research report.