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The 2005-2006 Beckman Scholars: Thomas W. Holcombe, PhD
Faculty Mentor: Professor C. Grant Willson
Length of term: Summer 05, Fall 05, Spring 06
Honors & Awards:University Honors (Spring 04, Fall 04, Fall 05, Spring 06); Undergraduate Research Fellowship (2006); Intel Foundation Award for Excellence in Chemical Research (2006); Dean's Honored Graduate (2006); NSF-IGERT Fellowship (2006) ; NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (2007-2009)
Publications:Twenty-two publications, including most recently: JACS 03/2014; 136(15); J. Mater. Chem. A. 10/2013; 1(44); Scientific Reports 08/2013; 3:2446.; J Phys Chem C 07/2013; 117(27):1380513815; J. Mater. Chem. A. 04/2013; 1(18):5535-5544.; Chemical Communications 09/2012; 48(87):10727-9.; Chemical Communications 09/2012; 48(87):10724-6; Angewandte Chemie International Edition 08/2012.
Where is he now? Graduated with Bachelor of Science in Chemistry with Honors, and Special Departmental Honors in Chemistry, May 2006. Tom completed his PhD at UC Berkeley in 2011, was a postdoc at Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland until 2013, and now works for BASF in Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany.
How can I contact him? tom.holcombe at gmail.com
Beckman research project in the Willson Group:
Download a copy of Tom's Research report, entitled "Improved Template Surface Treatment".